SOS Schools in Dominican Republic

SOS Primary School Los Mina

The SOS Primary School Los Mina opened in 1988. There are 460 children in 18 classes. Lessons are given from morning to afternoon. The number of children registered has been increased to meet the local demand for educatiion. The school also offers additional courses in computers, beauty, art, handicrafts, sewing, languages and typing.



SOS Primary School Santiago

The SOS Primary School opened in 2004. Within a year there were over 200 children registered with the numbers increasing to meet the local demand.

Update report from 2008:

During this year, the SOS School Santiago startedSOS Primary Schoo Los Cabalerros Dominican Republic an investigation work on the level of illiteracy of the tutors of the students, with the purpose of inserting them in the State literacy programmes, fifteen parents were registered in the Education Plans for Adults (PREPARA, for its acronym in Spanish). These plans help adults to complete high school in short time.

Regarding the Secretary of Education, the allocation of didactic material (books) for the basic level was obtained again. It was a donation of USD 16,780.00, which positively and directly affect the economy of the tutors of our students and the educative stability of the pupils.

As last year, the School Nutrition programme was maintained with a food donation of USD 27,714.00 of bread, cakes and flavoured milk. We also received a donation of pets for the children for an amount of USD 138.00.

In the social and sport integrative activities, we were invited by Fátima School to participate in their anniversary week, and they gave us a medicine donation for an amount of USD 44.00. We also celebrated the Global Peace Games with the participation of the nearest educative centres to our school.

Furthermore, as part of the infrastructure maintenance programme, the roofs of the two buildings were waterproofed, because they had filtration problems.