SOS Schools in Chile

Concepción Secondary School

The SOS Secondary School at Concepción opened in 1986 and has the capacity for nearly 300 pupils. For five years running the school has been awarded the distinction of "Academic Excellence".  It focusses on giving children vocational and practical skills.

Update report from 2008:

One of the key events this year have been installed on school mediation as a means to resolve conflicts peacefully. Seven students have mediators regard to this proposal and made the first very successful mediations. With this programme there were cases of bullying.

Another activity was an Educational Improvement Project (Competition) on Robotics, the amount was $4,000,000 and the results were improved learning of the participants. Participated in the Regional Fair Robotics.  This year was credited Specialty Electronics, which is in addition to the above, which have been accredited.

This was a very important work with children with basic education, this will work in a "specific language disorders," the 21 participating students, given their serious problems of origin of language. These students improved their learning, which was favored mainly in Spanish. Thus, students from the camps have been able to leverage their skills and pursue a standard rate of learning.

Around Strengthening Family actions were aimed at the family health, with health diagnoses made by the University of Santo Tomás, the value of this work was to coordinate the actions of treating diseases found in children. In this aspect highlights the performance of five computer courses, two basic and three advanced to the parents of students, which improve their skills and three courses of 120 hours in Assistant Casino, Children's Clothing Costume, Chocolatería; it would be looking for and get the mothers of the students had the skills for gainful employment. It resulted in several families improved their income. 

We work with partner organisations to improve the quality of life of families served in the programme are: counseling and therapy to families with domestic violence, assistance to families with household heads of prisoners, use of drugs.

In the area of student participation, it worked to strengthen the centre of students were trained to do so for students with leadership potential, in agreement with the University of Concepción, central Chile, and INJU, this allowed the students take care of several activities within the school, which emphasises organistion of holidays, the day the student and the contribution to "The largest class of the World" (attended by government authorities, the Carabinieri (Commissioner Concepcion), the Ministry of Education, Aldermen, the College of Teachers, among others. The issue was not discrimination. The students - teachers were highlighted by the clarity of their approach and mastery in the use of ICT's (interactive digital whiteboard). It also participated in The presidential meeting, reaching a representative at the regional level.

In an emotional ceremony, 40 students graduated from the specialties of Electronic, Electrical and Food Services Group. The SOS Prize was awarded to the student of Electronics Sergio Aguayo, who faithfully represents the profile of the student. After this date students are performing their professional practice in different companies in the area.