Haiti Earthquake Orphan Appeal: happy photos

A photo essay on the last few days in Haiti including some happier news
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In our report early today Georg reported that we had opened a new community distribution point for earthquake victims, and delivered food parcels to the families who were waiting for them. The community leaders at the distribution point had been told food was coming and a queue of hopeful youngsters started long before the food arrived.
When the parcels appeared, the adults immediately set about preparing a good meal for the children and the affect on the children was miraculous as they became happy, and started dancing and singing. The genuine happines and relief in the children's faces is very striking. In case you wanted to share the atmosphere, Georg had a camera with him, so here are some pictures of the waiting families, the food distribution, the children eating and the games.
When children have nothing, it takes very little to make them happy. And everyone who has seen the misery and started the process of help deserves to share a little of the happiness as well.