Haiti Orphan Appeal: tragedy as SOS driver shot

Haiti Orphan Appeal: tragedy as SOS driver shot
See also Haiti Orphan Appeal Updates.
A new tragedy has hit SOS Children's Villages Haiti. Our dear Lucner, the driver for our national office who has been working for SOS for many years, was shot at in an attempt to steal the SOS car that he was driving. The bullet pierced his lumbar system and got stuck in his shoulder, affecting the mobility of his legs and even his arms. He is currently treated by doctors of the University of Miami Hospital located at the airport. The mission head Dr. Green, also director of the Miami Project examined Lucner and the outlook is that he will not be able to walk again. But his medical condition has deteriorated very quickly since last night. Lucner is fighting for his life, he is battling a serious infection. It is a devastating experience for us.
Lucner is loved by all, his kindness, gentleness and commitment is recognised by all the people who have known him for years but he had also become a friendly face for all the people we have taken on very recently. We are deeply saddened and are trying supporting his family through this terrible situation. Please remember him as his condition is so critical.