Haiti Orphan Appeal: Trafficked babies found in bad state

Haiti Orphan Appeal: Trafficked babies found in bad state
SOS Children staff in Santo have reported on the state of the children given to them by the Haiti Official after interception being transported over the border (see http://www.soschildrensvillages.org.uk/charity-news/haiti-earthquake/haiti-orphans-urgent-breaking-news-baby-and-child-traffickers-caught). The SOS Village has a medical centre run by doctors from the Dominican Red Cross and experts in child trauma.
Most of the children were in a very bad emotional state; most children in Haiti have had some considerable trauma and many are still not able to sleep indoors from fear. Separating any children in this state from family, surrounds and trying to move them across the border to an adoption village was bound to taken an additional total and the children were all young, from three months to twelve years of age.
When they arrived in SOS Santos, a doctor in the medical centre checked them over. One small baby was immediately taken to the main hospital because the doctor from the Dominican Red Cross hospital based at the village examined her and proscribed immediate hospital treatement. The baby is now back in the village and recovering. Some of the children mentioned that they have parents, according to a twelve year old girl she and her family had been told was going to a boarding school in Dominican Republic.
The children are being moved into the safe shelter and SOS family homes whilst older children already there are being moved out of the village or into domitory tents.
After the admission of the children, three persons came to the village claiming been the fathers and old brother of five children, they said the woman who took the children to DR said she organised summer camps for the children, and that now, because of the Haitian situation, she offered them to take care of their children in DR but they had not intended it to be permanent.