Haiti Earthquake photos

We are now back in communication with our offices in Haiti and getting photos
Haiti Earthquake updates
See Haiti Earthquake Orphans and Haiti Earthquake Appeal
As discussed we will be running our emergency relief programme from the Dominican Republic which has working infrastructure and reasonable road connections into Haiti. Our national office in Haiti is badly damaged but our school buildings and Children's Village in Port au Prince are both useable and will be provide emergency help. Lucía Veloz, our national director in the Dominican Republic managed to arrange a helicopter surveillance trip to look at the state of our facilities yesterday. There was no where safe to land. He sent back the aerial pictures, showing that the Village (the six bungalows laid our with trees) are intact but all the buildings around are damaged. The other pictures have come from Port au Prince.
- Haiti Earthquake - SOS School Santo
- Haiti Earthquake: SOS Children's Village intact
- Haiti earthquake - searching in rubble
- The buildings adjacent to the SOS Children's villages were badly damaged by the Haiti earthquake