Child Sponsorship background from Sucre, Bolivia

Child from Sucre, BoliviaSOS Children's Village Sucre

Foundations for the SOS Children’s Village Sucre were laid in 1993. The town of the same name is at an altitude of 2,800 metres above sea level and about 400 km from the Bolivian capital La Paz. According to the constitution, Sucre is still the capital of Bolivia, but in reality it lost its status as capital city to the seat of government La Paz over 100 years ago. Situated some 6 kilometres outside the city on 5 hectares of land, it is officially in an "urban" area, which does not yet have urban facilities. The majority of locals do not have access to potable water, electricity, telephones or sanitary facilities.

The SOS Children’s Village consists of twelve family houses for a total of 108 children, a village director’s house, an SOS aunts’ house (SOS mothers in training, who assist current SOS mothers in their everyday work, and stand in for them if they are ill or on holiday) and an administrative building. These facilities are complemented by a sports ground and a multi-purpose hall designated for ceremonies and similar events.

Background to Sucre

Sucre is the constitutional capital of Bolivia and the capital of the department of Chuquisaca. Located in the south-central part of the country, Sucre lies at an altitude of 2750m (9,000 ft).