Child Sponsorship Background from João Pessoa, Brazil

Children from Paraiba, BrazilSOS Children's Village Paraiba

The country's twelfth SOS Children's Village was built in João Pessoa in the suburb of Mangabeira, about eleven kilometres from the city centre of João Pessoa. It was opened in May 1987 and consists of twelve family houses, where over 100 children can find a new home. There is also the village director's house, a house for the so-called SOS aunts (SOS mother trainees or family helpers who support the SOS mothers during their daily work and fill in for them when they are ill or on leave), a multi-purpose hall for functions and festivities, and an administration and service area.

Other SOS Projects in Paraiba

An SOS Youth Home in the city centre provides a bridge to adult life for young people leaving the Village. Young adults usually move from the SOS Children's Village to an SOS Youth Home when they start a vocational training course or go on to higher education. With the support of qualified youth workers, the young people develop realistic perspectives for their future, learn to shoulder responsibility and increasingly make their own decisions. They are encouraged to develop team spirit and build up contacts with relatives and friends, as well as with the relevant authorities and potential employers.

An SOS Social Centre offers day care for hundreds of pre-school children. In May 1990, an SOS School was opened, providing primary education to many hundreds of children.

Background to Paraiba

The most easterly city in  the Americas, João Pessoa, in Brazil, was founded in 1585 and is considered "the second greenest city in the world". It is the capital of the state of Paraíba with a population of over 600,000.