Child Sponsorship background from Chiang Rai, Thailand

SOS Nursery School Chiang Rai ThailandSOS Children’s Village Chiang Rai

Chiang Rai is the capital city of the province of the same name in the north of Thailand. Our Village and the programmes we run here help children living in an area where poverty and malnutrition often force them to work to survive.

Keeping families together

Our main focus in Chiang Rai is preventing parents in the community from abandoning their children through desperation. We work with local authorities in a number of ways to support families at risk of collapse. By providing daycare at our SOS Nursery, we enable parents to go out earn a living to support themselves and their families, happy that their children are being safely cared for and enjoy a hot meal every day. We also offer coaching to mothers and fathers to help improve parenting, and focus on a number of vital topics such as hygiene and child rights.

Education for a better future

We also work to prepare children for adult life in Chiang Rai. Vocational training gives young adults the skills they need to gain employment and escape the cycle of poverty which has afflicted many generations in the area. For those who wish to pursue their studies, we provide higher education courses which allow young people to flourish academically. Important too is the pastoral support we offer to all our young people as they grow into adults and encounter new and exciting responsibilities of independent living.

While giving children who have a lost their parents a loving family, we work hard to keep families in Chiang Rai together. We help children build a better future for their generation by giving them a decent education and preparing them for adult life.