Child Sponsorship Background from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Children from Bishkek, KrygyzstanSOS Children's Village Bishkek

SOS Children's Village Bishkek is located in a pine forest near Ata-Turk Park and is surrounded by picturesque hills. The family houses were built in a circle symbolising the sun.  Flower and kitchen gardens were laid out next to each family house.  The official opening ceremony took place on 22 July 1999.

SOS Children's Village Bishkek comprises fourteen family houses with a capacity to take in up to 126 children, houses for the village director and the SOS aunts (who support the SOS mothers and take care of the children when the mothers are on leave), a sports field and an administration and service area.

Other SOS Projects in Bishkek

The adjoining SOS Nursery School can cater to a maximum number of 60 children and consists of three class rooms; it is open to children both from the SOS Children's Village and from the local neighbourhood. 

Since autumn 2002, an SOS School has been operational, offering primary and secondary school education to up to 400 pupils. The school comprises fourteen classrooms, a computer room, chemistry and physics lab, a room for geography and biology, rooms for practical courses in handicraft and home-economics, a library, a sports complex, a meeting room, a room for medical care and a multipurpose hall.

In order to meet the needs of the growing number of youths who had outgrown the SOS Children's Village, an SOS Youth Facility was purchased in 2005, where youths can stay during higher education or further training and prepare themselves for an independent life. 

The family strengthening programme offers access to essential services for children’s development (eg. educational, nutritional and health support, social skills) and supports families to protect and care for their children.  The programme also aims at linking families with income generating activities and offers help to improve the parents’ parenting skills.

Background to Bishkek

Bishkek is the capital and the largest city of Kyrgyzstan.  The city is also the administrative centre of Chuy Province which surrounds the city, even though the city itself is not part of the province but rather a province-level unit of Kyrgyzstan.  It was founded in 1878 as the Russian fortress of Pishpek and was later known (between 1926 and 1991) as Frunze after the Bolshevik military leader Mikhail Frunze.  The city's name derives from the Kyrgyz word for a churn used to make kumis (fermented mare's milk), the Kyrgyz national drink.