Haiti Orphan Appeal: kid brothers survive together

Two inseparable brothers who survived the earthquake
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When the two boys arrived in SOS Santo, everyone thought they were twins, even their names were so similar. But now we know that Jordan and Jordensten are six and seven years old, respectively. But we have learned not to try to separate them: they never let each other out of each other's sight. They walk through the Safe Centre holding hands, sit close together, and constantly seek each other's reassurance. Jordan it the younger one of the two and seems more relaxed, even laughing now and then. Maybe that's because he knows that he at least still has his big brother to take care of him in these strange surroundings - and he is lucky to have him after all they've been through.
At the moment the quake hit, Jordensten and Jordan were in Port-au-Prince with their family, which for them was their father, mother, their sister and themselves. Neither their sister nor their father survived. Their mother was badly injured, but somehow managed to bring the boys out into the open. They survived the first few days any way they could in one of the many emergency camps, often begging help from strangers. After a while, their mother was taken to one of the temporary hospitals; her current condition is unclear.
The boys hardly talk about what happened to them, they prefer to talk about how they are doing right now.
"The food is really good and I can play anytime I want" says Jordan, disappearing toward the nearby swings, dragging his brother along by the hand.