Child Sponsorship Background from Bangui, Central African Republic (CAR)

Family homes BanguiSOS Children' Village Bangui

SOS Children's Village Bangui is in the west of the town of Bangui between the Gbazabangui hills and the Oubangui River in the Gbangouma district and is about six kilometres away from the centre of town.  The people who live in the district come from very mixed backgrounds: ambassadors and high-ranking civil servants have moved to the area along the river; fishermen, farmers and low-ranking civil servants live on the surrounding hills, and the armed forces live in the nearby military base.  A nursery school, primary schools, a grammar school, a fish and vegetable market, a mission station and a hospital are also very close to the SOS Children's Village.

SOS Children's Village Bangui was built on seven hectares of land and in addition to administration buildings, it has a village director's house, a house for the SOS aunts and eleven family houses, where up to 110 children can be housed. 

Other SOS Projects in Bangui

On the grounds there is also an SOS Nursery School for a total of 100 children from the SOS Children's Village and the neighbourhood.  The SOS Children's Village also has an SOS Primary School which has twelve classes and is attended by about 500 children.  In addition to the classrooms, the school also has several administration buildings, a library and a multi-purpose hall.

Through the SOS Family Strengthening Programme which operates a framework of care for people with HIV and their relatives (children in particular), an SOS Social Centre has been operating since May 2004 in addition to the medical centre, which can care for up to 550 patients a month. At the SOS Social Centre 150 children from families in need can be looked after. The centre gives sex education to the people from the neighbourhood and supports those who are affected by the disease and their families with food and medicine, as well as providing financial support to help them pay for their children's school books or make payments on time.

Background to Bangui

Bangui is the capital and largest city of the Central African Republic.  A majority of the population lives in and around Bangui, in the western half of the country.  The city lies on the northern banks of the Ubangi River, which marks the border between the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Social unrest has been historically linked to Bangui, elections in 1981 were violent, and in the 1990's a mutiny attempted by soldiers was quelled by French troops.  Due to a series of coup attempts and rebel attacks, international bodies have declared Bangui as one of the most dangerous cities in the world.