The family cat – Photographic Expression

SOS Children photographic expression

Case Studies: Nicaragua

Es importante para la familia mantener un animalito, cuidarlo en la casa y en todo el hogar, la virgen es importante porque le rezamos diario y es nuestra madre, mi tía Iliana es la que me cuida en la aldea.

Maricruz, f, 10 años

It is important that the family keeps an animal in the house ... the virgin is important because we pray to her every day and she is our mother... my aunt Iliana takes care of me in the village

Maricruz, f, 10 years old

All these photographs and text come from research conducted by SOS Children’s Village Hermann Gmeiner Academy. Copyright is reserved and no unauthorized use permitted. Use for non-commercial purposes may be requested. The photographs formed part of a study in children’s photograph expression, using children living in SOS Children’s communities worldwide.