Our Africa Teaching Resources

South Africa’s cities: Cape Town and Johannesburg

Key questions

  1. What factors might explain the locations of Cape Town and Johannesburg?
  2. How have the economic activities associated with Cape Town and Johannesburg changed over time?
  3. What differences are there between the weather and climate of Cape Town and South Africa and what might explain those differences?

Where it fits

This enquiry encompasses work on settlement, economic activities and weather and climate.  Pupils should be directed towards the links to the Schools Wikipedia Selection from the Map of South Africa to help them find out more about Cape Town and Johannesburg.  One approach to answering the third of the key questions would be for pupils to use the climate data on the Schools Wikipedia Selection to construct a climate graph.  This enquiry might be extended in a number of ways: pupils might make further comparisons between the two cities (relating to demographics, for example) or they might consider a third city, such as Durban.

Tags: economic activities; population & settlement; population density & distribution; population growth; urbanisation; weather & climate

Download South Africa’s cities: Cape Town and Johannesburg pdf

About enquiries

Enquiries are teaching resources designed to give students the opportunity to produce a sustained piece of work that brings together core content and essential skills. Pursuing the enquiries requires pupils to ask questions about real problems, to collect and interpret information and to think critically about possible solutions, whilst building up their knowledge and understanding of fundamental geographical issues. Find out more about enquiries and how they can be approached.