Lee Hunter

Deputy Head Teacher at The Tiffin Girls’ School in London

“The beauty of ‘Our Africa’ is that it shows children in the UK the similarities between their own lives and children living in Africa. As well as showing the obstacles that many young people face living in Africa, it essentially shows young people with similar mindsets, ambitions, hopes and interests. It is a great learning tool.”

Sam Wintle

Class Teacher (Year 3) at Ursula Taylor Lower School, Clapham, Beds:

"The children spent the whole lesson engrossed on the site and not once came up to tell me they'd finished or ask what to look at next, which normally happens when they're given a task on the computers."

Our Africa Teaching Resources

Ivory Coast teaching resources


Resource overview


KS3 Curriculum links

Advising the government of Ivory Coast You work for the World Health Organisation (WHO) advising governments in Africa.  What steps might you recommend the government of Ivory Coast takes in order to develop a national health insurance scheme? development; healthcare; poverty Geography: 1.4a, 1.5a, 2.1d
History: 3c
Citizenship: 3g
Owner of a cocoa plantation in Ivory Coast You own a cocoa plantation in Ivory Coast.  What might a normal day be like?  How might your days vary throughout the year? development; trade; economic activities; farming; food Geography: 1.7a, 2.1a, 3h
Unrest and economic development in Ivory Coast
You are an economist working for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). You have been asked to briefly summarise what effect has the unrest of the decade had on the economic development of the Ivory Coast?
development; economic activities
Geography: 1.3b, 1.5a, 2.1d, 3h
Citizenship: 1.3d
Wildlife in the Ivory Coast
You are a professor at the University of St Andrews and a member of the Scottish Primate Research Group.  Why might you be particularly interested in carrying out research in Ivory Coast?  Who amongst your colleagues in the School of Biology might also be interested in Ivory Coast?
development; environmental issues; conservation
Geography: 1.2b, 1.4a, 2.1d
Science: 3.4c