Child Sponsorship background from Conakry, Guinea

SOS Primary School Conakry GuineaSOS Children's Village Conakry

The SOS Children's Village Conakry is located in the village of Sonfonia, some 25 km East of Conakry's centre, about 1 1/2 hours by car from the city.

The SOS Children's Village comprises eleven family houses, a village director's house, a guest house, a multi-purpose hall, a house for gatherings, an administrative and service unit including a small clinic, a village kitchen, a joiner's workshop and sports grounds.

Other SOS Projects in Conakry

The SOS Nursery has capacity for up to 100 children from the SOS Children's Village, and the local neighbourhood. It consists of four group rooms, a Montessori-classroom, a playground, a canteen with a dining room, and an administrative and a service unit.

From about 15 years of age onwards, the SOS young people are housed in a rented SOS Youth Home for the period of their secondary/vocational education, giving them more responsibility as they are only supervised by one youth leader. SOS mothers, village directors and psychologists carefully prepare the youngsters for this significant step towards independence, to which roughly four years are assigned; extendable for prolonged education or job search.

Around 210 pupils from the SOS Children's Village and the local neighbourhood currently attend the SOS Primary and Secondary School, adjacent to the SOS Children's Village. It consists of six classrooms, a room for arts and crafts lessons, a library, an administrative and service unit, and a playground.

The SOS Social Centre Conakry went operational in January 2007. It has been focusing on helping the poor population in the vicinity of the SOS Children's Village to get access to essential services e.g. adequate education, sufficient food, regular health care, professional counselling, proper hygiene, better housing, etc. In addition, families have been supported in their endeavours to secure a stable and regular family income by organizing trainings, helping them to find jobs and conceive income generating activities. The SOS Social Centre supports approximately 525 beneficiaries at the moment.

Background to Conakry

Attractions in the city include the Guinea National Museum, several markets, the Guinea Palais du Peuple, Conakry Grand Mosque (which was built by Ahmed Sékou Touré), and the nearby Iles de Los.

The Polytechnical Institute of Conakry is based here, and the city is noted for its botanical garden.