Our Africa Teaching Resources

Benefits and problems associated with tourism in Kenya

Key questions

  1. Why might people go on holiday to Kenya?
  2. What benefits does tourism have for people living in Kenya?  What problems does tourism create for people living in Kenya?
  3. What challenges does a growing tourist industry present?  How might these challenges be overcome?

Where this fits

This enquiry brings together a range of geographical ideas, including weather and climate, conservation and employment.  The focus though is on getting pupils to think about the sustainable development of tourism in Kenya. 

Tags: economic activities; tourism; employment; sustainable development; weather & climate; environmental issues; conservation

Download Benefits and problems associated with tourism in Kenya pdf

About enquiries

Enquiries are teaching resources designed to give students the opportunity to produce a sustained piece of work that brings together core content and essential skills. Pursuing the enquiries requires pupils to ask questions about real problems, to collect and interpret information and to think critically about possible solutions, whilst building up their knowledge and understanding of fundamental geographical issues. Find out more about enquiries and how they can be approached.