Aids Orphans in Uganda

In Uganda, the incidence of HIV / AIDS is just over 7% of the adult population. Over 1,000,000 children have lost one or both parents to AIDS. It is estimated that every year 14,000 children die as a result of AIDS and that every day 40 children are infected.
SOS Children works with the Ministry of Health and with UNICEF at the SOS Medical Centre, Kakiri. Here, we run AIDS prevention programmes and education workshops, alongside support for those infected with the virus.
The HIV / AIDS Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) Centre at the Medical Centre has been very busy. We have over 2,000 patients here. Additionally, about five VCT outreaches were carried out and a good turn out was registered. The community is very pleased to have the services brought nearer to their community. Such practices have given momentum for more outreach programmes.
Staff have continued undertaking HIV / AIDS care and counselling courses. This has brought the centre one step closer to the aspiration of starting an Anti Retroviral Therapy clinic which will dispense antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) to infected people in the surrounding community. In an effort to curb the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV / AIDS, an STI clinic offers free treatment, and hundreds of people come for advice and medication. The number of STI patients was an eye opener to how vulnerable people are to STI and HIV infections. The school health programme has visited over 30 schools to give health education on adolescent health, STIs, HIV and reproductive health.
Our ‘Family Strengthening Programme’ in Kakiri increases the capability of struggling families to care for their children and thus prevent child abandonment. Along with providing skills training to caregivers, school fees, food packages, and counselling, we ensure that those families affected by AIDS receive the medical support they need, for free.
In Gulu, the SOS Medical Centre provides community support through voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) and information on preventing mother to child transmission (MCT). Over 2,000 people visit the VCT centre every year. We also have the ability to test people for HIV / AIDS at the Medical Centre.
If you are interested in helping the situation in Uganda you might like to consider sponsoring a child in Uganda.