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File:Hong Kong SAR Regional Emblem.svg

中文(香港)‎: zh:香港特別行政區區徽
English: en:Emblem of Hong Kong
中文(简体)‎: zh:香港特别行政区区徽
Bosanski: bs:Grb Hong Konga
Deutsch: de:Wappen Hongkongs
Español: es:Escudo de Hong Kong
Ελληνικά: el:Εθνόσημο του Χονγκ Κονγκ
Eesti: et:Hongkongi vapp
Suomi: fi:Hongkongin vaakuna
Français : fr:Emblème de Hong Kong
Hrvatski: hr:Grb Hong Konga
Magyar: hu:Hongkong címere
Kanuri: kr:홍콩의 문장
Polski: pl:Godło Hongkongu
Português: pt:Emblema regional de Hong Kong
Русский: ru:Герб Гонконга
ไทย: th:ตราประจำเขตบริหารพิเศษฮ่องกง
Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски: sh:Grb Hong Konga
Bân-lâm-gú: Hiong-káng Ti̍k-pia̍t Hîng-tsìng-khu khu-hui. 香港特别行政區區徽]]
Date Approved on 4 April 1990, used since 1 July 1997
  • Photo info here, and here
Author Designed by
English: en:Tao Ho
中文: zh:何弢
( Reusing this file)
Public domain This work is in the public domain because, according to Section 58 in Chapter 528 ( Copyright Ordinance) of the Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, this work was considered as a Public record, which may be copied for any purpose without infringement of copyright. The Public record, means the records of any nature or description which have been made, received or acquired in the course of proceedings of the Legislative Council, judicial proceedings or executive transaction, together with the exhibits and other material evidence which form part of or are annexed to or are otherwise related to any record, which are or are required to be in the custody of, or which may be transferred to or be acquired by, any department of the Government. Please also see Wikipedia:Copyrights.
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Flag of Hong Kong.svg

Flag of Hong Kong 1959.svg

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