
File:Mostar Old Town Panorama 2007.jpg

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Description |
Bosanski: Mostar - panorama Starog grada. Fotografija je načinjena sa minareta Koski Mehmed pašine džamije, koja se nalazi nasuprot Starog mosta preko rijeke Neretve.
Česky: Starý most, spojující protější břehy Neretvy, je po staletí symbolem Mostaru. Fotografie je pořízena z minaretu mešity paši Koski Mehmeda (Koski Mehmed pašina džamija).
Deutsch: Mostar - Altstadtpanorama. Das Bild wurde vom Minarett der Koski-Mehmed-Pascha-Moschee aus aufgenommen. Im Zentrum des Bildes die Brücke Stari Most über die Neretva.
English: Mostar - Old Town panorama. The picture was taken from the minaret of Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque , which is just opposite Stari Most ("The Old Bridge") looking on the same part of the Neretva river.
Español: El Stari Most (el puente viejo), que salva el río Neretva, en la ciudad de Mostar. La foto está tomada desde el minarete de la mezquita Koski Mehmed Pasha ( foto)
Français : Vue panoramique de la vieille ville de Mostar, en Bosnie-Herzégovine, prise depuis le minaret de la mosquée Koski Mehmed pasa, située juste en face de Stari Most, le Vieux Pont, sur la Neretva.
Magyar: Mostar - Óvárosi panoráma. A kép a Koski Mehmed pasa mecset ( itt látható) minaretjéből készült, amely az Öreg híddal szemben van és a Neretva folyó ugyanarra a szakaszára néz.
Italiano: Lo Stari Most («il vecchio ponte»), che collega le due sponde del fiume Narenta, nella città di Mostar. La foto è stata scattata dal minareto della moschea Koski Mehmed Pasha ( foto)
Polski: Mostar - panorama Starego Miasta. Zdjęcie zostało wykonane z minaretu meczetu Mehmeta Paszy, który jest położony naprzeciw Starego Mostu, z widokiem na rzekę Neretwę.
Русский: Мостар — панорама Старого города. Снимок сделан с минарета мечети Коски Мехмед-паши, которая находится как раз напротив Старого моста через реку Неретву.
Српски / srpski: Мостар - панорама Старог града. Фотографија је начињена са минарета Коски Мехмед пашине џамије, која се налази насупрот Старог моста преко реке Неретве.
Basa Sunda: Mostar - Panorama Kota Kolot. Ieu poto dicokot ti munara Masjid Koski Mehmed Pasha ( tempo di dieu), némbongkeun Rawayan Kolot luhureun walungan Neretva.
Türkçe: Mostar - Eski Şehir panaroması. Fotoğraf, Mostar Köprüsü'nün tam karşısındaki Koski Mehmet Paşa Camii'nin minaresinden çekilmiştir.
Українська: Мостар — панорама Старого міста. Знімок зроблено з мінарета мечеті Коскі Мехмед-паші, котра знаходиться якраз напроти Старого мосту через річку Неретву.
Tiếng Việt: Thành phố Mostar với cây cầu cổ Stari Most bắc qua sông Neretva. Ảnh chụp từ thánh đường Hồi giáo Koski Mehmed Pasha. Ảnh: Ramirez
Date | 10 July 2007 |
Source | Own work |
Author | Ramirez |
Camera location |
43° 20′ 18.56″ N, 17° 48′ 52.38″ E |
This and other images at their locations on: Google Maps - Google Earth - OpenStreetMap | ( Info)43.338488888889;17.81455 |
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This is a retouched picture, which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. Modifications: Sky copied from a different photo+ extensive dodging and burning. The original can be viewed here: Mostar Old Town Panorama.jpg.
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This image was selected as picture of the day on Wikimedia Commons for 24 May 2010. It was captioned as follows: English: Stari Most, the "Old Bridge", which connects the two banks of river Neretva, has been a symbol of Mostar for centuries. This view from north shows Helebija tower to the left and Tara tower to the right. It was made from the minaret of Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque.
Other languages:
Беларуская (тарашкевіца): Стары мост, які яднае берагі ракі Нэрытва. Зьяўляецца гістарычным сымбалем Мостару.
Česky: Starý most, spojující protější břehy Neretvy, je po staletí symbolem Mostaru
Dansk: Stari Most (Den Gamle Bro), der forbinder de to bredder på Neretva, har været et symbol for Mostar i Bosnien-Hercegovina i århundreder.
Deutsch: Die alte Brücke, die die beiden Ufer der Neretva verbindet, war für viele Jahrhunderte das namensgebende Wahrzeichen von Mostar.
English: Stari Most, the "Old Bridge", which connects the two banks of river Neretva, has been a symbol of Mostar for centuries. This view from north shows Helebija tower to the left and Tara tower to the right. It was made from the minaret of Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque.
Esperanto: Stari Most, la "Malnova ponto", kiu kunligas la bordojn de la rivero Neretva, dum pluraj jarcentoj estis simbolo de la urbo Mostar en Hercegovino.
Español: El Stari Most, el ‘Puente Viejo’, que conecta las dos orillas del río Neretva, ha sido un símbolo de Mostar durante siglos. Esta vista desde el norte muestra la torre Helebija a la izquierda y la torre Tara a la derecha. Se obtuvo desde el minarete de la Mezquita Koski Mehmed Pasha.
Français : Stari Most, le Vieux Pont, qui relie les deux rives de la rivière Neretva, est un symbole de Mostar depuis des siècles.
Magyar: A Neretva két partját összekötő Öreg híd évszázadok óta Mostar szimbóluma.
Italiano: Lo Stari Most («il vecchio ponte»), che collega le due sponde del fiume Narenta, è stato per secoli il simbolo della città di Mostar. Andato distrutto nel 1993 durante la guerra in Bosnia-Erzegovina, è stato ricostruito sotto l'egida dell' UNESCO all'inizio del XXI secolo e quindi incluso nell'elenco dei Patrimoni dell'umanità
日本語: ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナのモスタル市に流れるネレトバ川に架かる、 スタリ・モスト(「古い橋」の意)。周辺地区とあわせてユネスコの世界遺産に指定されている。
Македонски: Стариот мост на Неретва - вековен симбол на градот Мостар.
Nederlands: De Stari Most ("Oude Brug") die de beide oevers van de rivier Neretva met elkaar verbindt en reeds vele eeuwen lang een van de belangrijkste symbolen vormt van Mostar, de belangrijkste stad van de landstreek Herzegovina. De huidige brug is een replica die tussen 2001 en 2004 onder leiding van UNESCO werd gebouwd. De oorspronkelijke brug uit 1566 werd verwoest in 1993 tijdens vijandelijkheden tussen Bosnische Kroaten en Bosniakken gedurende de Bosnische Oorlog.
Polski: Stary Most w Mostarze łączący brzegi rzeki Neretva.
Русский: Мостар — панорама Старого города. Снимок сделан с минарета мечети Коски Мехмед-паши, которая находится как раз напротив Старого моста через реку Неретву.
中文(简体): 莫斯塔尔古桥横跨 内雷特瓦河,几个世纪以来是 莫斯塔尔的象征
中文(繁體): 莫斯塔爾古橋橫跨 內雷特瓦河,幾個世紀以來是 莫斯塔爾的象徵。
Annotations | This image is annotated: View the annotations at Commons |
Tara tower
Helebija tower
Stari Most
Lucki Most ("port bridge")
File usage
Camera manufacturer | NIKON CORPORATION |
Camera model | NIKON D80 |
Exposure time | 1/80 sec (0.0125) |
F-number | f/8 |
ISO speed rating | 100 |
Date and time of data generation | 09:07, 10 July 2007 |
Lens focal length | 18 mm |
Orientation | Normal |
Horizontal resolution | 240 dpi |
Vertical resolution | 240 dpi |
Software used | Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows |
File change date and time | 16:25, 2 February 2010 |
Exposure Program | Aperture priority |
Exif version | 2.21 |
Date and time of digitizing | 09:07, 10 July 2007 |
Shutter speed | 6.321928 |
APEX aperture | 6 |
Exposure bias | 0 |
Maximum land aperture | 3.6 APEX (f/3.48) |
Metering mode | Pattern |
Light source | Unknown |
Flash | Flash did not fire |
DateTime subseconds | 50 |
DateTimeOriginal subseconds | 50 |
DateTimeDigitized subseconds | 50 |
Colour space | Uncalibrated |
Sensing method | One-chip colour area sensor |
File source | Digital still camera |
Scene type | A directly photographed image |
Custom image processing | Normal process |
Exposure mode | Auto exposure |
White balance | Auto white balance |
Digital zoom ratio | 1 |
Focal length in 35 mm film | 27 mm |
Scene capture type | Standard |
Scene control | None |
Contrast | Normal |
Saturation | Normal |
Sharpness | Normal |
Subject distance range | Unknown |
Image height | 2,390 px |
Image width | 1,600 px |
Lens used | 18.0-70.0 mm f/3.5-4.5 |
Rating (out of 5) | 0 |
Date metadata was last modified | 17:25, 2 February 2010 |
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